Tábor? Melyik? Gólya. Ja, ok.

 2009.09.08. 14:48

Alábbi levelek érkeztek eddig táborról:

Kicsit hosszabb, de olvasmányos narancs csapatból A.-tól :)

"Instead of getting smaller, the number of days between the present and Freshmen’s Camp time is getting bigger, but the IBS freshmen’s heads are still full of colorful memories, some of them blurry, some of them too clear, but all so very exciting!
Short nights
Short nights seem to be something specific for the Freshmen’s Camp, whether it’s the night before the camp, night that ends when the clock’s alarm SHOUTS at 5 am, letting you know that in about one hour you have take a shower, finish your luggage and get to the railway station, or the two nights spent on the camp’s secret location, nights that the staff members try to keep away with the help of games...ice-breaking, team-building, getting naked, drinking – ALL kinds of games.
Lots of colors
Day-dreaming about a BIG, HOT cup of coffee, you complete the crowd that’s waiting for the train to anywhere, when your mind gets back to reality as some magenta spots start coloring the group around you – they are the staff members, organizing the freshmen in color-named groups. As rainbows split over the IBS freshmen, you add a color next to your name. Now you are part of a TEAM. Lots of names enter your ears, but you forget them in the first minute you hear them. But don’t worry, the team leaders are ready to make you learn not only the names of your team-mates, but of as many people as you can whether you are interested or not.
But a name is not enough, not for the IBS people. Age, family, birth location, secrets, likes, dislikes, favorite sex positions – soon more and more people will know more and more about you and the other way around.
As the first day starts to say good-bye, taking away the hours spent playing friendly games that help you know your team-mates better, your emotions increase as you have to show that your color is the best, in the teams’ competition on Friday evening. Ten stations, ten challenges that make you and your team-mates work together to get as many points as you can, using your imagination and… your clothes.
A party follows, giving the freshmen the opportunity to know their future colleagues better, to learn more about their personality and not only the color of their underwear.
Saturday brings another color closer, as your team has to cope with another, in order to not only socialize, but put together a 10 minute show for the evening. The morning is spent with half of the other team so that you meet more people of the opposite sex - aren’t the staff members attentive to your every need? – but, unfortunately, the sport activities were postponed because of the bad weather, but don’t worry, be happy, because the absolutely great team leaders have other activities prepared in order to keep boredom away. The afternoon brings the whole two colored teams together and after more team-building games, the double-size team starts brain-storming for the funniest and craziest ideas for tonight’s show.
Ten countries in 5 pairs, 103 freshmen finding connections between, sometimes, totally different cultures, with 10 songs to help everyone get in the mood, made Saturday one of the best moments of the 2009 camp. As four of the teams located their play in a pub , that idea wasn’t used by the Orange + Red team, which represented the differences between Hungary and Spain in an original and humoristic three-scene play, completed by two entertaining songs that even the staff danced on.
But not only the freshmen performed on Saturday evening. The staff members keep demonstrating how cool they are, by entertaining the freshmen with a nicely done visual effect show, followed by a prospective of the student life that’s awayting.
As usual, the evening continued with a all-night-long party, where all the colors mixed on the dance-floor, on dynamic rhythms that took away most of the freshmen’s energy. Energy that you wouldn’t really need for Sunday’s activity, which consisted of the traditional IBS - shape group photo.
To be continued
Another train ride- to a known, but not as much expected location this time- brings the end of this year’s IBS Freshmen’s Camp. The railway station is filled with freshmen’s voices, some congratulating the White team for winning Friday’s competitions, some exchanging phone numbers and most of them planning parties that will keep the Freshmen’s Camp spirit alive.
But there’s more! The various colors teams will reunite on the 17th of September, on the Vogue Boat where the Freshmen’s Galley will take place. Remembering the three great days of the camp, reuniting the teams with their leaders and, most important, having fun IBS-style, are more than enough reasons to join us there!"

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