F.A.Q. about the camp

 2009.07.31. 09:33


To make it more easy for You about the camp, we posted some Frequently Asked Questions. We hope you find these helpful, in case you have any other question, please contact me at: bakovacs@ibs-b.hu
1, How do I get to the camp?
As usually we travel to the camp by train at 06:45 am form the South railway station in Budapest, gathering starts 45 minutes before at 06:00 am at the station. From the dorm 2 Staff members will escort you to the station. Departure from the dorm at 05:30 am. Tickets are already reserved for the train, however you should either get some tickets for the subway and tram or the staff members will buy the tickets for you, afterwards it is up to you how you compensate them :)
2, Where can I stay if I arrive earlier to the country?
We have arranged that he IBS dorm will be opened up from the 25th of August Tuesday, where students that will stay there during the semester, can stay free of charges until the camp. In case you are a student not intending to stay at the IBS dorm and don't have an apartment to stay at, some hotel recommendations close to departure at station: www.asdasd.hu
3, What should I take along to the camp?
First of all, get your beach outfits, party clothes, black, white and real colorful clothes, some clothes for sport activities, shorts... bla-bla that you would take for 3 days, pocket money, cell-phones, your personal ID-s, VISA card for permit to stay and maybe some fun stuff (please try legal) you definitely like to share with your fellow freshmen. Please avoid taking pets and expensive jewelry, you won't need these anyway and nobody would like to loose any of these.
4, Where is the camp actually going to be?
Well, this is a secret since generations, we never tell :) However we assure you to stay at a *** anonymous hotel, providing full-comfort during your stay. Some hints: beach, hotel, internationally known :)
5, Food? Will we have something to eat?
Sure you will, we will have breakfast, launch and some evening snack for all days. In case somebody is allergic to some ingredients, please tell us in advance so we can take care of your special needs, contact bakovacs@ibs-b.hu in case you have any. Additionally, your staff leaders will certainly show you exclusive hidden spots around for extra snacks :)
6, Security, what if i get injured?
We hope You will not. However a hospital is close by (~10 minutes) and knows about our arrival and has 24/7 receipt to fix You up. All EU citizens have automatic health insurance, for non-EU citizens, the VISA-card grant automatic insurance too. During the activities, organizers of staff will constantly look and prevent you from harm with an additional, experienced security staff escorting us.
7, Camp, party, food, but what will we do during the day? Chilling? Hanging around?
No way, we will not let you get bored during daytime either! We already have been arranging free-time activities, team-building exercises and lots of other things to make your stay continuously interactive.
8, Am I going to be in groups? How I will know where i will sleep?
Yes, you will be in randomly selected groups, we already do some selection before the departure, your group leaders will have your contacts, nothing to worry about we wont spam you :) The room arrangement in the hotel will taken care by staff during our trip to the "secret" destination. You will have the opportunity to choose with whom you want to be in one room. Rest we take care of :)
9, The camp isn't for free, right? How can I pay?
The camp isn't for free, you have the bank account number enclosed in the letter you received from us. In each and every case, please write "IBS Freshmen Camp <your name here>" in the remarks part of the transaction. Please print the transaction confirmation and take it along with you so we can administer you easier and faster. Thx.
10, End of camp, but how do I get back?
Easy, we all come together back by train to Budapest to the South railway station, train repeatedly reserved, you don’t have to do anything, just stay with the crowd. Tutors that have escorted you from the IBS dorm will get you back too :)
11, Camp over, i got back, but still not tired? Any suggestions?
Oh yes! An official, traditional after-party at the following week will be held where you can share what you have come across during the camp. This will be huge as well :)
These were the most typical questions we have been receiving during the years, still, if You have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly at bakovacs@ibs-b.hu

Címkék: hotel question answer activities

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